Do you need to change your UK driving license for a French permis?

In the good ol’ days – before Brexit – most holders of a UK driving license, and resident in France, never gave this much though. However; with the joys of Brexit there followed much confusion as to when – and if – an application needs to be done.

The good news is that, following an agreement between France and the UK in June 2021, the rules are actually very clear and fall into two main categories:

  1. Those who passed their UK driving test PRIOR to 1 January 2021

  2. Those who passed their UK driving test ON or AFTER 1 January 2021

Driving license issued BEFORE 1 January 2021 and resident in France?

If you passed your UK driving text before 1 January 2021 (check column 10 on the back of your photocard), and are resident in France, your UK license is still treated in much the same way as an EU license and is valid while resident in France, without the need to exchange it, except in certain circumstances!

You must nevertheless request an exchange of your UK driving license in the following cases:

  1. Your plastic photocard (or original GB license) is no longer valid or will expire in 6 months (check the expiry date on column 4b on the front of your card.

NB If you have lost your photocard and only have the paper counterpart, the DVLA state that the paper counterpart is no longer legal (in which case you would need to request an exchange due to lost license). 

If you have an original GB paper driving license only and it was issued BEFORE 31 March 2000, it is still valid.. Read up on this on the UK government website: 

  1. You add a new category to your license (an ‘extension”) 

  2. You commit a traffic offence in France which results in a loss of points, a restriction, a suspension, or your license is cancelled (a disqualification or ‘revoked’)

  3. You lose or damage your license

  4. Your license is stolen

Rest assured that you do not need to take a driving test in France (except in extremely rare cases of very serious traffic offences where a license has been revoked for an extended period of several years – you would know if his was the case - or take a look at this French government information page:  

And do take care to note that you can continue to drive while waiting for your application to be processed, provided you meet the follow requirements:

  1. You keep the proof of application (“attestation de dépôt sécurisée’) with you at all times, and;

  2. You have valid insurance, and;

  3. Column 11 on the back of the photocard is in date.

If column 11 on the back of the photocard has expired (is out of date) – often when 70 or older - you can NOT drive while waiting for your French permis and your insurance will not be valid either.

For more information, go to the Fr gov public service website (the page is available in English but the translation is confusing so either read in French or, if doubt, ask advice from your local gendarmerie) 

Need to exchange your UK driving license for a French Permis?

Check out this video guide to avoid common mistakes

Driving license issued ON or AFTER 1 January 2021 and resident in France?

If your UK driving license was “issued” on or after 1 January 2021 (in other words, you passed your driving test on or after 1 January 2021), then your UK license is only recognised for one year, starting from the date of issue of your residency permit (“carte de séjour”). If you plan to stay in France for more than 1 year, then you are required by law to exchange it for a French permis de conduire. You do not need to take a driving test.

Look at column 10 on the back of your photocard as this tells you the earliest date from which a driving category is valid from.

Please note that the meaning of “issued”, under the terms of the agreement, is the date you passed your driving test (not the date that the photocard / physical license was issued).

For more information on the rules for this specific category, go to the Fr gov’s public service website.

To apply for an exchange of license, use the Fr gov’s ANTS website 

For step=by-step guidance on what documents to prepare and how to load your application, take a look at the French Wordsmith resource: How to exchange your UK driving license for a French permis de conduire using the Fr Gov’s ANTS online service.

Note to the reader: As ever, I’ve done my utmost to give you the facts and clear explanations prior to publication, but you’ll need to keep an eye on updates as they become available by checking the links provided.

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This information sheet is copyrighted and owned by Jenifer Smith© EI, French Wordsmith© May 2022,
any illegal copying or distribution to third parties will result in a claim made against the individual or business.


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